Well stage one of my move has been completed … and has been for quite some time now. Sorry about the delay … again.
Oh! And the music you can hear is this entry, don’t worry about it. I couldn’t get the embed code to not play from the get-go.
Well now I’m living at my new company’s house in Chiba Prefecture. Quite a distance from where I was before eh.
I’m now house-hunting for a place of my own. Don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of people who would love the prospect of waking up and getting to work in under ten seconds, but I (like most people, I imagine) would like to be able to separate work from home.
Though I don’t know what kind of place I’ll move to, I’ve been looking around for things for the place. Yesterday I bought a coffee table for next to nothing, but I did have to carry it on my back for 1.7 kilometers. Speaking of coffee tables, enjoy this song by Gavin Osborn