Long time so see, eh.
While I won’t lie and say that I’ve done nothing at all for the past three months I really can’t think of specific moments where I’ve wanted to dive onto my laptop and write a blog about it. Even if you’re following my simple English blog (http://ameblo.jp/darlosworld/), you’ll notice that it’s mainly been random simple things of little interest. The onsen entry (http://ameblo.jp/darlosworld/entry-11139414176.html) perhaps being the minor exception.
So this is just a short entry to say hello I’m still knocking about. In fact I’ll use this time to give a bit of a plug to my nephew’s webcomic. He’s only 8 years old, but has already started writing a comic that, I’m somewhat ashamed to say, will soon have more pages than my own. His comic, Danger Dog, can be found at http://dangerdog.co.uk so please do check it out. Perhaps I’ll start an actual race and try and keep Lotaku one page ahead of him.
Job-wise things are going well here and I’ve signed for another year. Living in the countryside does have its up sides, but does lack somewhat in the ‘I think I’ll step outside and walk 5 minutes to some fun arcade, bowling alley and such’ department. The cold weather also hasn’t helped, but my recent acquisition of a SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System, aka the Super Famicom) and it’s array of cheap games from local (1 1/2 hour drive) recycle shops has helped keep the mood positive. Will I stay for a third year? Ask me in 10 months.
And so I’ll end this entry with a random video from Youtube. A very VERY short joke from Jimmy Carr.
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