So the result of the JET placements is in, and I’m pleased to say that I’ll be heading to Shimonoseki City (下関市) in Yamaguchi Prefecture (山口県). Am I pleased? Most definately! Though I did not specify any favoured locations on my application form, mainly because I thought it would be beneficial to show I’d be willing to go anywhere, I did have my eyes on a warmer than North area. Those of you who know me personally will have heard me talking about how I’d prefer a remote island in a warm area to Hokkaido. Though it is quite a distance from my beloved Osaka, I know that I’ll definately have the chance to go back and see some old friends at some point.
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For the past few months, well … for just under a year, I’ve been reading a Japanese novel that has yet to be translated into English (風の殺意・おわら風の盆 by Kyotaro Nishimura). I finally finished it the other day, and while I had been quite interested throughout the whole book (at sometimes more than others) I felt the ending left a lot to be desired. Similarly I have just finished reading Audition by Ryu Murakami (in English), and although I really enjoyed it throughout I couldn’t help feel it was missing something at the end, one more chapter perhaps. If you’re scratching your heads and asking yourselves where you’ve heard of that story before, chances are (if you’re a fan of Asian Cinema) you’ll have seen the film.
Oh, I read Audition in 4 days. For me, a huge accomplishment.