Tag Archives: festival

The Waiting Game Begins

Pet Rock by ^kangel on deviantART

So my job interview happened last week and they waiting game has begun. Though I won’t go into details of the interview itself, I hope that I performed well enough to get the job. Unfortunately I won’t be hearing back anything until April, so I have quite a wait.

I’m also still waiting for the results of the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) that I took back in December, but I know it won’t be until March that I hear back.

Added to the list are the results from the Semester 1 exams I took earlier this month.

However, I do still have plenty to get on with while waiting for these results. The Leeds University Japanese Society is running a Tanabata Festival next month which I’m helping out with. With LSTV I’m trying to finish an animation in time for the NaSTA Awards, as well as running a beginners animation workshop. I’m making an effort to get the Lotaku webcomic going again. And let’s not forget about my dissertation and other Uni work, after all this is the final semester.

So as my way of signing off, please enjoy this comic strip by Kelly Angel.

Solution by ^kangel on deviantART