Tag Archives: advert

CDS and SDS – Blast Them Bloth

Think back a few years. Do you remember those adverts for Bud Light that celebrate the regular guy, like Mr Underwear Inspector 12 and Mr Chinese Food Delivery Guy? Well last night I suddenly ended up on YouTube face to face with an advert I’d not seen in so long that brought tears (of laughter) to my eyes; Mr Foot Long Hot Dog Inventor! Don’t get me wrong, these aren’t the best adverts I’ve ever seen. However, they do make an interesting attempt to show how regular people can reach the ‘American Dream’.

Today was … interesting. As is always, I’m pretty tired. As is always, I’ve done something different to make me tired. It probably started last night as I went to bed late due to hunting all of the afformentioned Bud Light commercials. I went into Uni nice and early but couldn’t remember the Kanji for the test. No big difference there, with the exception that all I could think of was “Real men of genius” being sung on a continual loop.

During the lesson we were talking a little bit about cultural differences between Japan and America (I reference back to a previous entry about my hatred of the current textbook for this). Our discussion was about how bragging about your familly or ‘inner-circle’ is considered bad and arrogant here (apparently it’s not in the States). I brought up the topic of Cinderella Syndrome, much to the confusion of people in the room.

Cinderella Syndrome is literally when you brag about something because the opposite is true. In Cinderella the step-mother bragged about her “beautiful daughters” and cast out Cinders as the tramp, when (at least according to the Disney version) it’s it the opposite which is in fact … fact. Fast forward to the end of the lesson and my one teacher asked me about any problems I’d been having, explaining that my written work, especially sakubuns (essays) had been awesome but my speaking and listening weren’t great, which was especially emphasised by a lesson of aweful contributions from me. After explaining Sunday Dorm Syndrome and the minimum conversation practice we get in the dorms.

Fast forward an hour or so and we find ourselves at ABC (aka Asahi TV). That’s right, me and Japanese TV have made a link. There’s a show called Bebop High-Heel and on it is a segment called Hajimete No Nippon (First Time Japan … ish). It’s basically a show that shows foreigners trying new Japanese things for the first time. Not only was this a good way to learn and experience some new Japanese cultural aspects (let’s face it, I don’t do that in a dorm) but also a chance to learn a bit more about Japanese media directly … I thought as I was conversing with the other participants in the ABC annex.

I won’t go into the details about what we did, I wouldn’t want to spoil it. The show’s being broadcast on the 27th of November at 11:17pm, though I doubt I’ll be watching it. The only TV in the building is in the dining room, which gets locked off at 10pm.

Going on a class trip tomorrow to Kanazawa, but I leave you with an episode of Hajimete no Nippon from YouTube.

Oh! Before I go I just want to say that the Room Of The Living Dolls at the arcade in the Hep 5 building in Umeda (Osaka) is freaking awesome, and everyone should go!